Publication date: June 2023 🔐Login/signup to download

ATTMA Technical Standard L4 (TSL4)

This document provides the technical standard to be followed for the air tightness testing of Passivhaus and other low energy buildings as required as part of a Passivhaus or low energy building design.

This testing described in this standard is fundamentally based on ISO 9972:2015 Thermal performance of buildings – ‘Determination of air permeability of buildings – Fan pressurization method’ though the guidance is provided by both the Passivhaus Trust and the Air Tightness Testing & Measurement Association.

This Technical Standard provides detailed guidance and clarification of the above standard to ensure consistency by testing companies. Guidance should always be taken from the Lead Consultant as methods described in this standard may have changed or have been updated since this standard was released.

Guidance for test procedures for the testing of buildings that are simple is provided within companion reference document ATTMA Technical Standard L1.

Guidance for test procedures for the testing of buildings that are non-simple is provided within companion reference document ATTMA Technical Standard L2.

Guidance for test procedures for the testing of buildings that are complex, high-rise or phased handover is provided within companion reference document ATTMA Technical Standard L3.

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